Conceptional work and coding for the WAN-IFRA Online Forum

The WAN-IFRA Online Forum is live!
Internet agency Berger Schmidt was commissioned to implement the web project, did the conceptual work and the coding, and collaborated with Schumacher. Visuelle Kommunikation for the design of the website.
The Online Forum is based on the content management system Drupal and utilizes – among other things – the module Advanced Forum for which a custom skin in a WAN-IFRA design was coded.
The forum is open for all people who are interested in questions of News Media. Approximately 50 members of WAN-IFRA who are organized in the World Printers Forum will give advice and support in the project’s pilot-phase.
Discussions in the online forum are public. In order to write posts or comments, users have to register and get approved.
The website says:
This WAN-IFRA curated forum is open for everyone. Please check, which category is most appropriate for your contribution and post your question, your comment or your statement.