Drupal programming for the WAN-IFRAs News Publishing Directory

The WAN-IFRA's News Publishing Directory is online.
The Drupal service provider Berger Schmidt assisted the responsible department with the concept and development of the News Publishing Directory as well as provided web consulting and assistance with drupal programming.
The directory provides a mercantile directory containing profiles of companies and organizations of the international News Publishing Industry. Also the directory contains the WAN-IFRA Guides (Supplier Guides), a service directory for the different sections of the industry (Editorial, Mailroom, Materials, Mobile, Print Production). On top of theis the site integrates the official WAN-IFRA Members Directory with over 3000 members coming from 120 countries.
About the News Publishing Directory
The News Publishing Directory will provide an overview about the whole News Publishing Industry. The different product and topic-oriented WAN-IFRA Guides will help you to find the right partners for specific topics, and to benchmark vendors.
About the WAN-IFRA Members Directory
The Members Directory is your connection to 3000+ member organisations located in 120 countries. This includes 79 national associations, more than 2000 publishers and news agencies, and 1000 suppliers, service providers and consultants. You will also find many educational institutions and affiliated organisations.